Friday, 27 March 2015

Broad Minded

Broad minded:

Good leaders have many qualities. They have strong communication skills and they are good listeners. They are able to give direction. They have thirst for learning. An open minded leader understands that learning journey never stops.  Open minded means able to see another’s point of view to see whether it works or not. They respect the beliefs of other people in the organization.



A leader have some set of rules or principles that he always follow to perform his tasks. Self-discipline is the combination of self-control and of self-respect. Self- discipline means he does not attempt to deceive himself. A leader is always be careful what he or she think and do. A true leader work for the organization in disciplined way. An effective leader do not arrogant. Arrogance comes from ignorance and lack of self -confidence. When a person shows arrogance he is making sure that he knows very little about leadership. It is true that taking the decision at the time set the success and failure. The leader should not become very close to anyone in the group which may cause danger to him.



A humble leader is very courageous to show his weakness and he is also able to find out talents of others. It is the humility to let people know about the weaknesses. No one can improve their weak points without acknowledgement. A leader will be identified with ego if he or she does not accepting the feedback of weakness, which restrict the personal and professional development. We can say that humility is equals to growth.
A humble leader is not afraid to take help and guidance from others. Accepting others opinions and ideas is not means that a person has lack of competence. It makes the environment open and inspirational and more positive.

Ability to Inspire

Ability to inspire:

Everyone has the ability to inspire other people whether we believe or not. This inspiration comes from a strong commitment of wanting to achieve the objectives. Sometimes our actions inspire others and sometimes we work to inspire others.
What a leader can do to inspire others? When a leader inspire others he or she makes a connection with them. This inspiration brings hope, energy and a path of possibilities. The inspirational leader is passionate about the vision and mission of the organization an also makes other people to feel the same. They give people support and opportunities to use their skills and talents.



Confidence:Without confidence there is no leadership

Self-confidence is fundamental of leadership. Learning to be a leader without confidence is like building a house on a foundation of sand.
·         It is the ability to be influential, possess a sense of presence and deliver decisions.
·         A leader will make the decisions confidently, follow it, stand by it and admit wrong when they are wrong.
·         A leader will take risks to succeed. A leader will be self-aware and surround themselves with better people then they are, because the tasks are fulfilled by them.
·         A leader will have a mentor or peer they can sound ideas, fears and doubts with.

Confident leaders stay on top of positive thinking, keep celebrating and enjoying success and keep their target mental images strong. On the other hand they learn to handle failure. They accept that mistakes happen when we are trying something new. It is a fact that people learn more from their mistakes and are last long in mind. And there is a saying “if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger!”


A potential leader should have a clear Vision.

A leader set path and guidelines for the organization to move forward. Mostly managers are not clear about the vision of their organization. Vision is simply a goal setting and planning process. Leaders have vision and they have a clear and exciting idea of where they are going and what they have accomplish. This quality separates them from managers. Vision is an essential quality of leaders with the abilities to communicate and to build trust. Effective leaders communicate their vision of the organization. A strong leader builds trust in the vision by acting on the plans and demonstrates to others to make the vision a reality. Vision is very important element for the organization’s success. A successful organization will have understandable and clear direction of goals.